Ah, summer. Time for more play and more athletics. Generally speaking, physical activity is great for kids. What’s not great is a dental injury. At AKA Smiles, Dr. Mujica and her staff want kids to run, jump, swim, bike, pass, dunk and have fun. We also want to help them avoid tooth loss and other types of sports related dental injuries. Therefore, we recommend custom-fitted mouthguards in Charlotte, NC.
The Facts about Sports and Dental Safety
The journal Dentistry Today reported that an athlete is 60 times more likely to incur a tooth injury when he or she is not wearing a sports mouthguard. In fact, more than 200,000 high school and college injuries are averted thanks to mouthguards—and that’s only in the sport of football!
In addition to the injury itself, there is also the cost of dental services to consider as well. You could spend up to $5,000 covering the treatment necessary to replant a knocked out tooth. And if the tooth cannot be replanted, then replacing a tooth and the cost of treatment during the course of a lifetime usually falls between $15,000 to $20,000 per tooth. Rest assured, all of those dollar amounts are significantly higher than the cost of a sports mouthguard in Charlotte, NC.
Custom Mouthguards in Charlotte
At AKA Smiles, we will take oral impressions in order to prescribe a custom-fitted BPA-free acrylic mouthguard that your son or daughter can wear comfortably. With a mouthguard, your child is less likely to suffer the harmful dental consequences of a blow to the face or an injurious fall. Specifically, a sports mouthguard in Charlotte decreases your child’s risk of having an avulsed or knocked out tooth; a broken, chipped or cracked tooth; and a laceration to their lips, cheeks or tongue. Laceration injuries can be particularly harmful if your child is currently wearing braces.
In addition to preventing these oral injuries, mouthguards have now been shown to reduce the risk of concussion as well as the severity should one occur. Just as a mouthguard absorbs the impact of a blow, so too a mouthguard prevents the repercussions of the impact from injuring your child’s developing brain.
Call Our Office Today
Protect your child’s smile with a custom-fitted sports mouthguard in Charlotte. Contact All Kids Pediatric Dentistry to schedule an appointment. And enjoy the summer knowing your child’s smile is safe!